Monday, May 9, 2011

Emotional Blenders

Three days and counting until we get to wake up before the crack of dawn and head to China. This has been a slightly challenging week. Emotionally, I have done pretty well with the last minute week long delay. Aaron has coped decently and Susu has also taken it mostly in stride but poor Isaiah has had a tough time. He is so excited to meet his brothers and we have had a lot of emotions pouring out about things completely unrelated which is not typical behavior for Isaiah. I explained to Isaiah that right now each of us is like an emotional blender. We have so many feelings swirling around inside us including excitement, happiness, worry, fear, stress, etc. All of our feelings have been lumped into this emotional blender spinning on high speed and the problem is that when ever a slight issue comes up our lids pop off and an emotion or two flies out. Normally our emotions are not so churned up and these things would not come flying out. Isaiah seemed to really get this analogy and he even told me the last time he got upset that the top came off his emotional blender. I know our emotional blenders are going to be spinning for the next few months until we all get adjusted to the new normal. I can only imagine the emotions flying around inside of Levi and Jacob right now.

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