Sunday, August 22, 2010

Our New Son

A new adoption journey and a new blog to go along with it. Last month we sent in our Letter of Intent requesting permission to adopt a three year old little boy from China. We had read about him on the Love Without Boundaries blog here. Our daughter Susu was sponsored by Love Without Boundaries so we have a special place in our hearts for all the children sponsored by this wonderful organization. Ten days later we got the very exciting news that China had granted us pre-approval to adopt and we shared the news with family and friends that we have a new son waiting for us in China. This will be our third adoption and second adoption from China. Our first son Isaiah was adopted from our home state.

The last five weeks have involved lots of paperwork, updating our homestudy from three years ago, gathering documents, and going to get fingerprints. We are now just waiting on our USCIS approval and then we will have everything our agency requires before we send our dossier to China. We hope to travel some time between February and May of 2011. We will be naming our new son Jacob and keeping his Chinese name for his middle name. Our whole family will be going to China which will be quite an adventure!


  1. Amy, it's so good to follow along!!!
    And I have to say - hats off to your speedy paperchase. Really, you're almost done?? People must have worked on your behalf super quick!! That is awesome! You'll be in China before you know it!
    Love, Barb

  2. Another miracle at the Smith abounds and God's Power is great. With you in spirit and God's Love,
    Kara and Dekarai
