Sunday, June 5, 2011


We have had three more days of adjusting to the new normal with ups and downs throughout the three days. The kids seem to be handling things well. Mom and Dad just need to get used to caring for four children and get our house set up to make that easier. On Saturday morning. I went shopping on-line for a gate to go upstairs. Jacob is good about staying off the stairs but I am afraid he might trip and fall down the stairs when he is going from one upstairs room to another since he moves fast and is prone to tripping. We keep very close watch on him right now and gate him into whatever bedroom he is playing in with a portable doorway gate. It will be nice to have one gate that makes the whole upstairs safe.

The upstairs bathroom is also not handicap accessible for Levi so it is unsafe for him to use alone at night. That means getting up with him because we don't want him falling and conking his head on the floor like he did once at a hotel in China. I put in another on-line order for railings to make the upstairs bathroom safe for him. My Dad is going to install those when they come in. I also ordered handles to make the bathtub safer and new wheels for Levi's walker. The ball bearings fell out of one front wheel after we got home and now the wheel on his walker just drags along. All I can say is thank God for on-line ordering. I can't imagine having to find companies or stores prior to the internet where I could easily and quickly order all this stuff and have it shipped right to my door.

Levi has been working hard on his English with me. He now knows between 50-60 different words and sprinkles a lot of English in with his Chinese. On Saturday, my friend Ru from Chinese School came over to visit. Her daughter is in Susu's class and she speaks fluent Mandarin. We were able to tell Levi some things and ask him some questions that we thought of this last week. I keep a list of things we want to talk to him about or ask him about when we have someone here who speaks Mandarin. Aaron and I can cover all the basic stuff with him but obviously we can't communicate more complicated ideas. We can always call Ru if something important comes up. We are so thankful to have her helping us and I know Levi really appreciated having her come over to talk to him.

One thing I have been concerned about is that Levi thinks that he might get sent back if he makes too many mistakes. We wanted to make sure he knows that we are his family forever and he doesn't have to be perfect. I know it will take time for him to really get this. He told our friend Ru that he did not want to be a burden on us. He is such a sweet soul and I can't wait to be able to communicate to him how very special he is once he knows English better. I did have Ru tell him that we think he is a wonderful son and that we love him very much.

Jacob continues to be very mischievous and he has a mischievous smile to go with his actions. He keeps us on our toes but is also learning to listen to his Mom and Dad! I am so glad that he spent his first four years being cared for by a loving foster grandma. It is so much easier to adopt a child who is a bit naughty because he was slightly spoiled versus a child who spent the first two years of her life in an orphanage and is carrying much baggage and fear with her. It is obvious that Jacob expects to be well cared for and he is bonding quickly to both Aaron and I. He likes to rock with me in my grandma's rocking chair before his naps. I sing to him and he closes his eyes and grins especially when I sing the Mama loves Jacob song. I sing it in Mandarin and I made it up for Susu after we adopted her. I can insert any child's name and that song is one of Susu's favorites too.

I realized I need to get my camera back out so I have some new pictures to post. It is harder to stay on top of everything right now. I really want to keep up with my blog because it is my written journal of our boys adoption. Isaiah and Susu both have handwritten journals from their adoptions but I don't have time for that this time around so this blog will have to do. I am glad we can keep our family and friends up to date on the latest as well since phone time is also more limited.

We are so incredibly thankful for all the support we have received. I have read about many adoptive families getting very negative comments from friends and family when they decide to adopt children, especially children with special needs. Families can be understandably concerned about the stress and risks involved and they don't always convey those concerns in positive or loving ways. We have been so blessed to have such overwhelming support and we greatly appreciate it.

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