Tuesday, July 19, 2011

And They Lived Happily Ever After....

This will be my last blog post on Starfish and Stones since readership has dropped now that we are home. Wouldn't it be nice if life were a fairy tale and everything could be an easy happily ever after. We are still in the middle of transition stuff here. Isaiah seems to be doing better this week but I am sure we will have plenty more ups and downs this next six months to a year. Levi and Jacob continue to do well despite Jacob acting like a normal active four year old boy who loves to harass his siblings. Susu is her typical self on most days. My four children are a real blessing but some days parenting four children is just plain old hard work. No surprise really for anyone who has parented a few kids. Even on the hard days, I know this is the path we are meant to be on and that God is with us in this journey.

If you are a grandparent, you will still get email updates and pictures. I think most people who are reading this blog have my email so if you would like to get update emails on the boys, just send me an email.


  1. I sure will miss your blog! We'll have to keep in touch otherwise. You're right about parenting four....

  2. I have been following your blog for awhile now. I will miss seeing how your kids are doing. Best wishes! We also have 4 kids ranging from 2-16! The two year old was adopted from Taiwan. Blessings! Kris

  3. I will miss your blog as well! I pray that the transition will smooth out soon and that it will be less work feel more natural in the near future. I went from 1 to 4 children in just 5 months time so I understand how the world gets thrown into a tailspin for awhile.

  4. Prayers for endurance as everyone continues to settle in and adjust to being a bigger family. Our days are hard here also....small boys are exhausting and eldest girl's issues are more discouraging then I ever imagined possible. Almost daily I reflect on Katie's words from Africa...to bend low. Prayers for all of us that we remember this on the tough days helping little hearts to heal. Jennifer

  5. I will miss this blog too, Amy. It is a lovely way to peek into your lives, unobtrusively. You have done a splendid job with this blog, honey.

    Thanks for letting us in on the wonder of family.

